Here is a list of my publications as of March 2022. Most of my papers are also available for download at my ResearchGate profile.
(A list of my publications, which may or may not be completely up to date!)
Gomez, R., Ramiro, L., Le Lann, Y., Cugnata, G., & Aja, J. (2024). Job Insecurity and Vote for Radical Parties: A Four-country Study. Electoral Studies. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2024.102826
Gomez, R., Ramiro, L., & Rori, L. (2024). Critical junctures and party innovation: the transformation of radical left parties in Greece, Portugal and Spain. South European Society & Politics.
Gomez, R., T. Mustillo, and M. Vercesi. 2024. 'Political Developments and Data in 2023: Introducing the 2024
Political Data Yearbook.' European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 63(1), 3-13. doi:10.1111/2047-8852.12471
Beaudonet, L., and R. Gomez. 2024. 'The Imbalanced Effect of Politicization: How EU Politicization Favours Eurosceptic
Parties." European Union Politics
Gomez, R. 2024 'Secularisation, educational expansion and the electoral decline of the mainstream
right in Western Europe.' West European Politics, 47:2, 229-254.
Gomez, R., T. Mustillo, and M. Vercesi. 2023. 'Political Developments and Data in 2022: Introducing the 2023
Political Data Yearbook.' European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.
Gomez, R. and L. Ramiro. 2022. Radical Left Voters in Western Europe. London: Routledge.
Gomez, R., T. Mustillo, and M. Vercesi. 2022. 'Political Data in 2021: Introducing the 2022 Political Data Yearbook.'
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.
Gomez, R. 2022. ‘When the chickens come home to roost. The long-term impact of party positions on religious voting’. European Journal of Political Research, 61 (2).
Blog post: Religion still counts at the ballot box - and that won't change any time soon.
Replication data: here (individual-level). Aggregate level: here, here and here
Replication syntax (R) here
Gomez, R., L. Ramiro, L. Morales and J. Aja. 2021. ‘Joining the party: incentives and motivations of members and registered sympathisers in contemporary multi-speed membership parties’, Party Politics, 27 (4).
Ferrín, M., M. Fraile, G. García-Albacete and R. Gomez. 2020. ‘The gender gap in political interest revisited’, International Political Science Review, 41 (4): 473–489
Blog post: Not interested? Women's interests are also political!
Blog post: Are Men Really More Interested in Politics than Women, or Are We Just Asking the Wrong Questions?
Blog post (in Spanish): Una reinterpretación de la brecha de género en el interés por la política
Gomez, R., and L. Ramiro. 2019. ‘The limits of organizational innovation and multi-speed membership: Podemos and its new forms of party membership’, Party Politics 25(4): 534-546.
Gomez, R., and L. Ramiro. 2019. ‘Beyond the 2008 Great Recession: Economic factors and electoral support for the radical left in Western Europe’, Party Politics 25(3): 358-368.
Blog post: Do Bad Economic Conditions Explain the Success of Radical Left Parties in Europe?
Gomez, Raul. 2018. ‘‘People are running, but where are they heading?’ Disentangling the sources of electoral volatility’, Comparative European Politics 16: 171-197.
Ramiro, L., and R. Gomez. 2017. ‘Radical Left Populism during the Great Recession: Podemos and its Competition with the Established Radical Left’, Political Studies 61(1): 108-126.
Fraile, M., and R. Gomez. 2017. ‘Bridging the enduring gender gap in political interest in Europe: the relevance of promoting gender equality’, European Journal of Political Research 56(3): 601-618.
Blog post: Bridging the gender gap: How to address low levels of political interest among women
Blog post (in Spanish): La brecha de género en el interés por la política en Europa
Fraile, M., and R. Gomez. 2017. ‘Why Does Alejandro Know More about Politics than Catalina? Explaining the Latin American Gender Gap in Political Knowledge’, British Journal of Political Science 47(1): 91-112.
Replication data: here
Beaudonnet, L., and R. Gomez. 2017. ‘Red Europe or No Europe? The impact of attitudes towards the EU and the economic crisis on radical-left voting’, West European Politics 40(2):
Gomez, R., and J. Tonge. 2016. ‘New Members as Party Modernisers: the Case of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland’, Electoral Studies, 42: 65-74.
Riera, P., Gómez, R., Barberá, P., Mayoral, J. A., and Montero, J. R. 2016. ‘Elecciones municipales en España: un análisis multinivel de los determinantes individuales y contextuales del voto’, Revista de Estudios Políticos, (172), 47-82. [Best Article Published in 2016 Award]
Gomez, R., L. Morales and L. Ramiro. 2016. ‘Varieties of Radicalism: Examining the Diversity of Radical Left Parties and Voters in Western Europe’, West European Politics, 39(2): 351-379.
Gomez, R. 2015. ‘The Economy Strikes Back: Support for the EU during the Great Recession’, JCMS Journal of Common Market Studies 53(3): 577–592.
Tonge, J., and R. Gomez. 2015. ‘Shared Identity and the End of Conflict? How Far Has a Common Sense of ‘Northern Irishness’ Replaced British or Irish Allegiances since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement?’, Irish Political Studies 30(2): 276-298.
Barbera, P., Gomez Martinez, R., Mayoral, J. A., Riera, P., and Montero, J. R. 2015. ‘Elecciones municipales en España (1979-2011): las dimensiones del voto’, in Arenilla Sáez, M. (ed.) La elección directa del alcalde. Reflexiones, efectos y alternativas. Madrid: Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local.
Gomez, R. 2013. ‘All That You Can(not) Leave Behind: Habituation and Vote Loyalty in the Netherlands’, Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties 23(2): 134-153.
Riera, P., P. Barbera, R. Gomez, J.A. Mayoral andJ.R. Montero. 2013. ‘The electoral consequences of corruption scandals in Spain’, Crime Law and Social Change 09/2013; 60(5).
Gomez, R., and T. Verge. 2012. ‘Party Patronage in Spain: Appointments for Party Government’, in Mair, Peter, Pter Kopecky and Maria Spirova (eds.) Party Government and Party Patronage: Public Appointments and Political Control in European Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Verge, T., and Raul Gomez. 2012. ‘Factionalism in Multi-level contexts: When party organization becomes a device’, Party Politics 18(5): 667-685.
Gomez, R., and S. Perez-Nievas. 2009. ‘Faccionalismo e Integracion Vertical en Contextos Multinivel. El caso del Partido Nacionalista Vasco (PNV)’, PAPERS: Revista de Sociologia, 920: 97-117.